
Tuesday, 13 May 2014

My favourite Disney moments

Thinking back on a life of Disney movies, there has been some unforgettable moments. These are a few of them.

Best snarky comeback:

And the runner up:

Best song sequence:

Most used quote:

"What we gonna do?" 
"I don't know, what you wanna do?" - The Jungle Book

(Used very frequently by me and my mother when we have an evening to ourselves)

Funniest moment:

Best first meeting:

Best ironic moment:

Best threat:

Best sidekick moment: 

Best awkward family moment:

That was just a few. I'm sure there are many more.
What is your favourite Disney moment?

Monday, 12 May 2014

When you wish upon a star blog party - tag

These days Anna S is hosting a Disney-themed blog party, and how could I ever resist participating in anything related to Disney?

So here is the tag:

1. Why do you love Disney?

Is it possible not to love Disney?
But some of the things I love about Disney are the fantasy behind the movies, the drama, the heroism, the songs... I could go on for ages. 

2. Who is your favorite Disney princess?

Definitely Rapunzel. She is so naive and wonderstruck by the world - and she is armed with a frying pan. Need i say more?

3. Who is your favorite Disney female character?

Probably Esmeralda. She is self confident, sassy and can take care of herself.

4. Who is your favorite Disney prince?

Actually I don't think I have a definite favourite. But if I have to say one, I choose Aladdin.

5. Who is your favorite Disney male character?

Flynn Rider, no question about it. I can't explain why. He is just the best in male character in all of Disney history.

6. Who is your favorite Disney Villain?

That must be Scar. He's evil I know - but he has a wonderful sense of sarcasm.

7. What is/are your favorite Disney Song(s)?

Well, my ultimate favourite is "I see the light" from Tangled.

Some of my other favourites are "I'll try" from Peter Pan 2, "When she loved me" from Toy Story 2, "Once upon a time in New York City" from Oliver & Co, "Beauty and the Beast" and many more.

8. What is your favorite Disney Movie?

It is almost impossible to choose....but I have loved Tangled from the very first time I saw it.

9. What was the first Disney movie that you saw (or remember for that matter!)?

The first Disney movie I owned was The Jungle Book.

10. Do you prefer the older Disney movies or the newer ones? 

I like them both, but I watch the newer ones more (mainly because they are the one I own on DVD). I also like how the characters seem to have more layers in the new ones and undergo bigger developments.

11. Tangled or Frozen? (Mwaaahhhaaahhaaa! ;))

That is an evil question as they are my two favourite movies right now. But if I have to choose, I'll say Tangled - for I have loved that one the longest.
12. Favorite Disney Pixar Movie? 

I generally love Pixar's movies. WALL-E and Up are the ones that touched me the most.

So that was the tag. I'll try to find time to make another Disney post before the party ends. Any wishes for a topic?

Monday, 5 May 2014

I've been nominated...The Sunflower Blogger Award

It's almost embarrassing how long it has taken me to answer these nominations, but I finally found the time to do it.

I've been nominated to the Sunflower Blogger Award...twice. Once by Anna S at  A Cowgirl and a Dream and once by Heidi at Along the Brandywine.
Thanks a lot to both of you.

The rules are: share 11 facts about yourself and answer the questions made by the blogger who nominated you.

So without further ado...

11 facts about me

1. My favourite season is spring

2. I am currently rereading Northanger Abbey for I don't even know which time

3. For the last 3 months I have been learning to play Andante Favori by Beethoven (the one played by Georgiana in P&P 1995)

4. Berlin is my favourite city of all times

5. This year I have managed to keep an orchid alive and make it bloom again, which I am very proud of, for I normally always end up killing every plant I have.

6. I am fascinated by anything old fashioned, be it clothing, music or furniture

7. I have a driver's license but hate to drive, and don't see the need to, when I could quite as easily walk

8. I love Disney movies - my favourites are Tangled and Frozen

9. I have a very wide taste in music (and no, it's not an exaggeration - ask anyone)

10. My ideal Saturday night consists of cozying up under blankets and watching a movie.

11. I like listening to, and singing musical tunes when I'm at home    

Here are the answers to Anna's questions:

Favourite animal?
Dolphin or horse
Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Ice cream
Fruits or vegetables?
That's a tough one... I love fruit, especially in summer when they are fresh. But I eat more vegetables in general, so that is what I choose.
Books or movies?
Books! Definitely books!!!
Favourite Barricade Boy? 
Is it a too obvious choice to say Enjolras? 
Favourite Musical?
Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, My Fair Lady, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - and that's just my absolute favourites..
Favourite Band/Artist?
Taylor Swift - and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Favourite TV show?
Doctor Who. It is just the most brilliant thing ever made.
Sweet or Sour?
If you were to go back in time would you go to the 19th or 20th century?
The 19th. I have always wanted to see that time period for myself.
Meet one literary person, who would it be?
Again, a tough one...probably Anne Shirley from Anne of green Gables.

That is the end of part one. 
Here are the questions from Heidi.

Do you have a favourite fairytale? If so: what is it and why?
That must be "The Wild Swans" by Hans Christian Andersen. I'm not sure why, but I have always felt that story was special. I think what appeals to me, is that Elisa loves her brothers so much that she is willing to make so many sacrifices to save them. 

What are your thoughts on coffee? Tea?

Tea - a great liquid available in so many variants. I usually drink a pot a day and would find it hard to survive without it.
Coffee - something I have recently learnt to drink. A fine substitute if there isn't tea available.

Is there a good movie you’ve watched multiple times in the past year?

Les Miserables. 
At first when I saw it in the cinema I didn't think I would want to see it again, but after falling into the fandom I started a countdown to the DVD release, bought it as fast as possible, and have now lost count of how many times I have watched it.

What was/is your favourite children’s picture book?

I have a hard time remembering, but it was probably a book with Lady and the Tramp, for I loved anything to do with that when I was little.
If you were given the opportunity, would you rather travel to Hawaii or Australia? Why? is filled with amazing nature and history but still only a walk from the beach. Could it be any better?
(and you don't need any vaccinations to go to Hawaii)
What is a particular, specific way God has blessed you in the last week?

Well, beside the spring weather in general...I was walking in the city today when my companion suddenly made me aware of a big very beautiful flowering tree. I wouldn't even have noticed it if she hadn't pointed it out, and it really made me think about how much beauty we are surrounded by, and that it is something we must never forget to appreciate.

Well, that was it....hope you liked the answers.