
Thursday, 1 October 2015

Welcome to An Old Fashioned Girl

It is here!!!
The day I have been awaiting for so long is finally here!!


Welcome one and all to my new and improved blog!!

You must have noticed the new name by now (and if you haven't you should read the title again), but you may ask: why An Old Fashioned Girl?

Well, I am so glad you ask. Apart from it being a title of a book by Louisa May Alcott (which I have actually not read yet, but it is on the list), I think it is something that describes me very well as a person. I have always loved old fashioned things, I dream of having that old fashioned life described in The Little House-series and then of course, I love classic books and movies.

Will it affect the content on the blog? you may wonder.

Sure it will, that was the point of the name change. I will definitely still be writing about books and movies as I have done so far, but I will also be writing of a lot of new topics, the biggest one being my new found love for the 40's and 50's. That will almost certainly include some posts about my adventures with vintage hairstyling and trying to get a more 50's style (projects I embarked on this summer).
I will probably also write a bit more of my different hobbies.

Apart from that I am planning on starting several blog series, one of which you will soon hear more about.

And now for the true fun of this post: the give away!!!

Firstly I am giving away "Through The Looking Glass" by Lewis Carrol. It's the sequel to "Alice's Adventures In Wonder Land" and if you haven't read it yet, you are missing out. It is a truly entertaining and really funny read, though it doesn't make a lot of sense (but it is not supposed to; that is the wonder of it).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Secondly, as the cold season that just makes you want to bundle up in layers of soft and warm fabrics is approaching, I am giving away this lovely flowery scarf.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just a few notes: One blog post/comment is enough to enter both give aways and they are both open world wide.

Last but not least; a new blog would not be complete without some new blog buttons!
So here they are!
Grab one if you like!

What do you think if the changes?
Be sure to let me know in a comment.


  1. Yay! It's so pretty! And I had no idea you were going to change the name and everything! That's so exciting - I love the title, btw. Super gorgeous. :-)

    I'm not going to enter the giveaways because we already have the book and oh, I can't tell you how many scarves I own. (It's a lovely scarf, though!)

    I'll put your button on my 'other blogs' page! I chose the last one - it's beautiful!

    All in all, I'd like to say: Bravo!

    ~ Naomi

    1. Thank you so much, Naomi! I'm glad you like it!

  2. Congrats on the new name and design! I'm looking forward to the new blogposts about vintage style 😄

    1. Thanks, littlemissberlin!
      I will be sure to have a lot of vintage posts in the future

  3. Your new look is beautiful! I love the vibrant colors in your header! (Especially the picture in the top left hand corner.)

    And "An Old Fashioned Girl" is a perfect name for your blog! I like it! :)

    ~Miss March

    1. Thank you, Miss March!
      I am quite in love with that picture too:-)

  4. Oh, it's all so beautiful... And I love the fall leaves in the background! :)

    And such pretty buttons! I switched out your old button for one of the new ones on my "Lovely Friends and Fellow Bloggers" page. ;) And thank you SO much for linking to me on your fellow friends page, m'dear -- I'm so honored!! :)

    I'm looking forward to all you have planned!

    1. Thank you so much, Heidi! I'm glad you like it!
      And also thank you for putting my button upp ;-)
