
Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The 12 Months Classics Challenge

As 2016 is rapidly approaching so is all the resolutions about all the things I will use that year achieving. Besides the regular ones: eating healthier, be more organised etc. my main goal is to read more classics - more specifically; I plan to read one classic each month.
Just when I had decided that, I stumbled upon the wonderful 12 Months Classics Challenge at Lois' blog You, Me and a Cup of Tea


The excitement of a new challenge!! I can barely wait to get started!

My reading choices this far are the following:

January- A classic you've always wanted to read
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

February- A classic you've always dreaded reading
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

March- A classic you've been recommended
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

April- A classic you've seen the movie/miniseries/TV show of
The Code Of The Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse

May- An American classic
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stove

June- A British classic
The Hound Of The Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

July- A European classic (non-British)
Still undecided...

August- A modern classic- Up to your interpretation

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

September- A children's classic
Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne

October- A classic by a female author
Northanger Abbey or Persuasion by Jane Austen

November- A classic by a male author
Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie

December- A classic written under a pseudonym- 
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott (apparently he wrote this particular novel under a pseudonym so people would nøt expect it to be like his other works)


  1. Jane Eyre! I hope you have so much fun in that one! It's one of my favorites. :) I'll probably sign up for this too, & I'll probably also read The Blue Castle for my recommended read. :)

    1. Thank you! I've been wanting to read that book for years and I'm looking forward to finally doing it!

  2. Very good choices ☺ I am looking forward to the reviews.

  3. Oooh! I like your list, Rose! Every single one of these books is familiar to me--at least by name. The Blue Castle and P.G. Wodehouse's books are on my to-read list, too! And I LOVE Northanger Abbey and Persuasion! I think you really must read both of them! ;) Jane Eyre and To Kill a Mockingbird! AHHH! SO good! (Haha! Romeo and Juliet would count as a dreaded book for me, too. I have yet to work up the courage to try Shakespeare.)

    1. Why, thank you! A worked hard on making a list of books I would actually have a chance of finishing in a month but still a big classic (harder than you would think).
      Of course I'm going to read both NA and Persuasion, we'll just see which one will be for this challenge;)
      Shakespeare...that is the main reason I dread reading it, but hopefully it will be fun

  4. Haha. Loved what category Romeo and Juliet is under. I dreaded reading it too, but then my teacher read it to us in class and I actually read a lot of it on iBooks. Now it's one of my "old-time" favourites. Great book list! :)

    1. I don't dread reading the story per se, but all the speeches full of words I don't understand will be a daunting task.
      Thank you:)

  5. Your choices are wonderful! :D Ivanhoe and Peter Pan are LIFE, I tell you.

    1. Glad you approve:) I did choose them on your reccomendation after all.
