
Sunday, 14 February 2016

1940's Week Kick Off And Challenge

It has finally arrived!!
The day is upon us!
It's here!
The long awaited 1940's week!!! (I'm quite excited about it in case you can't tell already)

We have a lovely week ahead of us filled with glamour, movie magic and dazzling dresses. I can barely wait to share with you all the things I love about this decade, but first things first.

It would be absolutely fantastic if you have the time to join in, and just to mix it all up a little I decided to swap the usual tag with a challenge!

It's quite simple. Below I have written a list of challenges for different post ideas regarding the 40's. All you have to do is choose one (or more) and write a post about it. It can be as long or as short and as coherent or disjointed as you like, as long as you have fun with it:)

And so I present to you:

The 1940's Challenge
  • Write a review of a 40's movie, or a movie set in the 40's, that you like.
  • Make a list of some of your favourite 40's songs.
  • Make your dream wardrobe if you lived in the 40's (picture heavy post expected)
  • List some of the things you like about the 40's
  • Make a collection of lovely old photos with 40's vibes

If you do the challenge or write a post relating to the 40's, don't forget to put a link in a comment so I can read it as well. And by the end of the week I will do a link-up so we all can get a share of the fun.

I think that's it for now!
Nothing more to say, except let the fun start!


  1. Yay!! I LOVE the challenge Idea. I will definitely try to do one of those!!! (Love the header, by the way. STATE FAIR.)

  2. I'm so excited, too! I'll definitely try to do the challenge! It gives me inspiration for more posts:p Because, if I were honest, I had very little. So excited to see the rest of your posts this week!

  3. So exciting! I've been looking forward to this so much. And your new header is gorgeous!! ( Especially with Gene Kelly;)) (Is he not darling;))

    ~Rilla Blythe

  4. Oh, how fun! I'll definitely have to do one of the challenge posts. :) Your header is so pretty!!!

  5. The challenge idea is cool! Not sure if I can quite manage a movie review cuz I'm working on 2 others right now, but I might squeeze one in :-) But yesterday I did do this post about my 10 favorite episodes of my favorite TV show, Combat!. It's about American soldiers in France after the D-DAY invasion.

    I love a ton of movies set in the 1940s, though, so even if I don't manage to review one this week, I'm planning to do a post listing my favorites set in that decade. Or maybe made in that decade -- I haven't quite decided yet.

  6. This is going to be fun!! I actually have a movie review in my drafts which might work for this challenge. I'll have to see if I can find the time to finish it. ;)

  7. Here's my review of Casablanca! This week has been so much fun!!

  8. Here's my post. :) Thanks for hosting this great week!


    P.S. Love your header. DANA ANDREWS FOR THE WIN.

  9. I posted something for 1940's week! ;)

    ~Lydia~ <3

  10. Here's Part 1 for my Magic review! :)

  11. Here's my post! :D
