
Tuesday, 2 February 2016

January Ramblings

I usually consider January the longest, darkest and dreariest month of them all, but this year it has come and gone surprisingly quick. 


At the moment I am quite swamped at the moments with tons of 1940's posts to write and projects of a brand new month to start, so instead of my well organised monthly post you get a rambly list of things I've done this January:

  • Reading Jane Eyre (and finishing it this time)
  • Squeeing over costumes in the new Agent Carter episodes
  • Planning my 1940's theme week
  • Thinking unproportionally much about the 40's
  • Getting a delightful surprise when I woke one morning to find everything covered in snow
  • Making a mental photo shoot when I walked along a hedge and saw every single twig and leaf covered in frost
  • Spending quality time with "my" cat (which isn't actually mine, but I keep him company when his owners are away)
  • Procuring new dresses for my 40's/50's wardrobe
  • Playing lots of Tchaikovsky on the piano
  • Spending way too much time watching Netflix
  • Watching the Sherlock Christmas Special in the cinema with like minded nerdy friends
                                  An absolutely lovely 1940s hairstyle to wear with vintage hats. #vintage #hair #1940s:

And just because this post has no order whatsoever let's finish it off by answering The January Period Drama Challenge Tag questions that Miss Laurie posted.


1. What period dramas did you view in January?
None, I'm ashamed to say...but I kind of knew that would happen when I entered that challenge.

2. What is your favourite Charles Dickens film adaption?
Olive Twist. For that is the only one I have seen this far.

3. Would you rather visit Pemberley (Mr. Darcy's residence) or Downton Abbey (Crawley family residence)? Why?
Downton Abbey! Whereas I'm sure Pemberley is lovely, it is a fictional place where Downton Abbey is Highclere Castle in real life - a place i would love to visit someday.

4. If you could be any character in a Jane Austen novel for a whole day who would you be and why would you want to be that character?
This one took some thought... I'm choosing to be Emma Woodhouse, for wouldn't want to be "handsome, clever and rich", being the leading lady of the town, living in a mansion and doing whatever one pleased with no financial worries? For one day, at least, it would be delightful!

5. What period dramas are you looking forward to viewing in February 2016?
The list is long! 
I recently bought Miss Austen Regrets so I'm really looking forward to watching that. And as I finally finished Jane Eyre, now I can see the movie version (which I have wanted to ever since it came out). 



  1. Hi! I just wanted to say I love your blog and I'm with you on the obsessing over the Sherlock Christmas special! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment! It made me really happy for the rest the day:)

  2. "Playing lots of Tchaikovsky on the piano" *Dances in delight over finding a fellow Romantic piano player" Yes!! What pieces? Have you heard his first piano concerto? So lovely! Do you play Chopin as well? Sorry, lots of questions:) I get super excited over classical music, esp. Romantic.:)

    ~Rilla Blythe

    1. I've played so many through the years! Tchaikovsky is my favourite composer of all time! At the moment I'm playing June from The Seasons and some of his Pieces for Piano (he wrote quite a few of those)
      I didn't remember Piano Concert 1 so I listened to it after reading your comment - and yes, it is abrilliant piece of music!
      I think I played some Chopin a few years ago but I don't really know much of his music.

      And never apologize for asking questions;) I love talking about classical music!
      What Romantic pieces are your favourites?

    2. You are so sweet!:)

      June is a lovely, thoughtful piece, don't you think?

      Yes, it is brilliant! Especially the beginning. He puts so much expression, feeling into his music. Ah, Russian composers.<3

      Oh my goodness!! That is a tough question indeed.:) I'll try to narrow it down. I love "Serenade to Music" by Vaughan Williams ( what do you think of him? I love the way he can create this special sort of softness at times. I'm afraid that isn't a good explanation:) I really like Bruckner's 7th symphony, Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor,(that melody at the end!!!) None But The Lonely Heart by Tchaikovsky, his Barcarolle, and Chopin's Raindrop Prelude, which I am presently working on! Of course, there are so many other beautiful Romantic pieces as well! (Which will probably come to mind right after I click publish;) What are some of your favorites?

      ~Rilla Blythe

    3. Yes, the quietness and melacholy is what I love most about that piece.

      That is quite a list!!
      I must sadly admit that I don't know most of these (but then I know what I will listen to in the coming days, and I do love discovering new music).
      I love Grieg's Piano Concerto! According to my dad that is the ultimate piano concert of all time, so I've always been quite in awe over it!

      My favourites? Well, the list is long...
      I love Grieg's Peer Gynt suite so much, that was what got me started on Romantic music. And Vltava by Smetana will always hold a dear place in my heart, it is such a beautiful and descriptive piece (have you heard of him?). Then of course, there's Strauss (I'm not sure if he is considered a Romantic composer, but he is from the same time period) I love his waltzes, especially The Emperor Waltz.
      I could probably go on for a long time, when first I get started, but those are the first to come to mind.

    4. Yes! I love that piece by Smetana! It's lovely.

      ~Rilla Blythe

  3. A delightful post, Rose! :) It's fun to hear what you've been up to.

    How did you like Jane Eyre? Were you familiar with the story before you read it, or was it completely new to you? I watched a movie of it before reading the book, but I've often wondered how it would be to read the book without knowing the end of the story. It would be so much more suspenseful that way.

    Have fun planning your 40's weeks! :D

    1. Thanks, Miss March! Random posts are the funniest to write.

      I loved JE!! I knew the main plot points before including the big twist (I think some of the scenes would have been absolutely terrifying if I hadn't known that).
      I generally prefer reading the book prior to watching the movie - I haven't allowed myself to watch JE before I had read the book, so now I'm really looking forward to watching it!

  4. I like rambling posts and this was no exception. It's fun to read about other bloggers. :D

    "Playing lots of Tchaikovsky on the piano" gosh, I'm jealous! I wish I could say something like that but I'm afraid the piano is something I gave up when I was younger and got 'bored' of it. Bad decision. :P Haha.

    I'm excited for your 40's week! Although I think I'm more of a 50's girl myself. :)

    Anyway, I know that you are planning this blog party so I know it might take you some time, but I wanted you to know that I have tagged you at my blog.

    Good luck with your 40's week!

    1. I know, those are my favourites to read too! Glad you liked it.

      I understand the feeling! My parents wer afraid it would happen to me as well, so I wasn't allowed piano lessons until I had practiced every day on my own for 6 months.

      I started out as a 50's girl as well, but then I slowly moved backwards;) Love both decades, though.

      Thank you for the tag! I will surely do it, as soon as I get the time.

    2. Smart move on your parent's part and nice job for actually following through with practice. That is really impressive! :D

      Who knows, maybe I will do the same after you're 40's week. But I'm pretty happy in the 50's.

      I'll be sure to look for the post! :)

  5. You play Tchaikovsky on the piano?! GAHH I'M JEALOUS.

    1. You like Tchaikovsky too, Olivia?
      I never knew how many fans he had before this post;)
