
Sunday, 5 June 2016

April & May Period Drama Challenge Tag


1. What period dramas did you view in April/May?

I watched Great Expectations, Les Miserables, Doctor Thorne, Into The White and probably a few more that I can't recall right now.

2.Do you prefer to watch period dramas that have a happy ending or a bittersweet ending?

Happy endings, no doubt!
I can appreciate bittersweet endings but the endings might be the factor that decides if a movie becomes a favourite.

3. What media forms do you prefer to use when watching period dramas (i.e. purchased DVD's, rented/borrowed DVD's, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu)?

I don't particularly care as long as I get to watch the movie.

4. Which period drama character's wardrobe would you like to own?

How to choose....I think I would love to own the wardrobe of any Jane Austen character. But Emmas wardrobe in the 2009 version is as near perfection as one can get.

5. What period dramas are you looking forward to viewing in June 2016?

I can hardly decide, mainly because the list is so long.
Due to a clearance sale at the biggest movie store in town, I've aquired a bunch of new period dramas that needs watching, among others the 3 Sissi movies and 4 Sharpe movies. And I still really want to watch The Paradise.

As the Period Drama Challenge is nearing its end and I have only reviewed 3 movies out of 10, I'll just let you know that June is gonna be a very period drama heavy month, mainly consisting of reviews.
So consider yourself warned:)

On a completely different note: I got a new header!

After seeing so many summer themed blogs I was inspired to do the same.
Do you like the result?


  1. ROSE!! I LOVE your new blog look! It's wonderful! So simple and sweet and cozy and...gaaahhhh! You did a marvelous job!! I really like the way you arranged your header, with the blog title up at the top like that. Yes, indeed. Very nice. :D

    1. Thanks, Miss March! I'm glad yu approve:)
      I did have to rearrange the header a lot before it turned out okay, it was almost like playing tetris, but with pictures;)

  2. Hi Rose, your new header is gorgeous!!!! Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite movies! You did a excellent job of making it.

    1. Thank you:)
      It was my first time doing a movie themed header so I'm glad you like it:)

  3. Replies
    1. Yes! Emma's wardrobe is the prettiest thing ever!

  4. Ohhhh, the Sharpe movies. Ever since we watched those, my husband and I cannot hear screaming '80s guitars without thinking of the Napoleonic Wars! Or without looking at each other, smirking, and one of us saying, "Ahhh, nothing reminds me of the Napoleonic Wars like screaming guitars."

    But aside from the music during the opening credits, good stuff! Sean Bean is perfectly wonderful in those.

    And I love the new header :-)

    1. You like the Sharpe movies? I'm so glad to hear that, then they must be good.
      I haven't actually gotten around to watch any of them yet, I only bought them because the back cover said "it's like Hornblower on land":)

    2. Oh! You haven't watched them yet, then? Okay, well, yes, I enjoy them greatly. I've been a Sean Bean fan since my dad showed me only the opening scenes of GoldenEye several times before I got to watch the whole movie. In fact, he's the whole reason I got into LOTR.

      However, there is a goodly bit of content in the Sharpe movies, especially the first several. It's been a long time since I watched those early ones -- and I mean like probably ten years, as we watched most of them before my son was born in 2007. The last couple we watched much later, as they didn't come out until about then.

      Mostly it's language and innuendo, but there are some racy love scenes too (well, as racy as something shown on TV in the '80s can get). Just have your remote handy!

      However, yeah, it's the same era as Hornblower, and has some really fun costumes. Great sword fights too. And the characters are great fun.

    3. Yes, I love Sean Bean as well - his name on the cover was the reason I even gave the movie a second look:)
      Thanks for the heads up about content.
      Hopefully I'll find time to watch them soon:)

    4. Doesn't Sean Bean have the yummiest voice? He's one of the actors whose presence in something will make me give it a try, even if nothing else about it interests me.
