
Sunday, 11 December 2016

Pinterest Finds

Hello again!
I haven't really any inspiration for something very clever today and I am also working on some time consuming upcoming posts (not that they're very long, I'm just a real slow writer at the moment).
So instead here are some funny and very relatable pictures I've recently found on Pinterest.

How can anyone just have one favourite?

Me every day at the moment;)

                   My life as a circle with many circles within that circle.:

My actual vacation kit this summer
My mom can testify taht no 2 is me every movie night

                      Every Time!:

Till the next time!


  1. Haha, the first two are priceless! I think I have an extrovert/introvert identity crisis: I love people and *classy* parties and such, but everything in that introvert survival kit sounds so nice to me...what am I?

    1. Yes, I connected wit hthe second one on a very deep level;)
      Well, as I don't know you in real life I can't really answer that question;) But I guess even introverts can love a party (I know I do) and extroverts can enjoy being alone:)

  2. HAHAHA! These were great. The "what I think...what I can put into words" one was awesome. Also the "3 signs you are an INFP" made me laugh. I can totally relate to the decision making thing. ;)

    I enjoyed this post very much. Thanks, Rose.

    1. Yes, I loved that one too!! it's like: finally someone has put into words what I can't!
      When I stumbled upon the INFP pic I immediately showed it to my mom with the words: "Look, someone has illustrated what movie night with me is like";)

  3. Pure gold!! I can totally relate to all.;) Glad you're back, dear!

    ~Rilla Blythe

    1. Good you relate;) And it's lovely to hear from you again, Rilla.

  4. Favorite book, I have two...
    What people actually understand. Yes.
    3 signs you are an INFP, 1. My sister and me. 2.My dad and me. 3. Me.

    These are ALL so relatable!! Thanks for sharing!!
